A beach

 Hi today,  I will write about my favorite beach that is "Laguna Verde" (Green Lake). The beach Laguna Verde, is localizated, in region Valparaiso, especificated under is there, limitated with "Quebrada Verde" (Green Ravine) and "Quintay". Recently Laguna Verde, is very famous, because is a filmated very comercial, besides it has the beach "Docas" that is a beach more little that beach Laguna Verde. Also because  it have a lake on the beach, very similar a wetland.      
Lately I dont go there, because I dont have time for travel, althought I did go in the summer is year, with my friends. When I was young, with my family are went every weekend. Now all are busy for the work and studys. 
I was went Laguna Verde in holydays, because my father has a house there. I was went a enjoyed, I was play with other childs that live there. Now I am best friend of they. I remember that we are organizated for go beach, because the houses is far away the beach.  When I go Laguna Verde I like the peace, I see seabirds, walk for the beach from end and other end. I dont like swiming in beach, becuase is very danger. I prefer make castle of sand and enjoy the day, conection with the natural.

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