Free Post "My dream"
Hi, Today I will write about wich is my dream,. My dream is I have one house sustentable, and ecologic that respet the natural. In my imagination i have idea of house similar the hobbits. Because is structure of house not modify the environmet. The house hobbits is build underground, with form of circle is windows and doors, similar a build of animals. In is roof, it has grass, plants and trees, changing very little the landscape. If I don´t can build house hobbits, I have a plan B, where I would bought land, and build house simple, but in the garden, I would have more plants native, also I would like work of the forest ranger, for protect a animals. I love a live sencille, I don´t interesing it material. Besides I find interesting the farming and practice, for consume propio, let of side, the dependency for buy all. I think that is very good have aliment organic, all cultive by of greenhouse. There dream, borned, thanks a My family that when I was little, My mother taught that We should feel and learn about our environment. Since so I love the animals and plants, because I finded peace, curiosity and fascination for the species.

hi! I think that this is a nice dream, has a lot of sense for me, these houses can be a good idea really ecological, congratulations
ResponderBorrarIt's a nice dream and a good way to take care of the environment!