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Study in university Prefer

Hi I will like write about me goals that was slim down and realized activity physic, because I was very sedentary, besides of that I ate bad, very junk food.  For me, slim down is the was difficult, because I dont have habit of training. Therefore, I decided watched videos of training, also of healthy food. I first day training 15 minutes that was a routine of differences exercises and I was very exhausted. After of the one week, I was can training and I didn’t tired. For me the most difficult, went I don´t see change in me body. Therefore, a I was very sad. Although I keep, training and don’t eat junk food. After of five month, I was can manage. Now I am in me weight ideal. Also training two or three time for week. I think that realized a challenge, is very difficult, because all depending, if you are constant and follow, in spite of all the things that would can successful.

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